Vision treatment, correction in Vilnius, customer feedback

Justė Arlauskaitė-Jazzu
-"Dalinuos laime :) Uraaaaaaa!!!!! Siandien atsikeliau,ranka refleksiskai iesko linziu deklo ir ...staiga suprantu,kad man ju nebereikia!!!! Kaip nerealu-atsikeli kita ryta po operacijos ir matai geriau nei pries tai su akiniais ar linzem.Pagaliau pagaliau..vienas geriausiu priimtu sprendimu gyvenime-akiu korekcine operacija,atviciaju! Aciu klinikai LASERVIEW ir nuostabiam daktarui Almantui Makseliui uz grazintas spalvas :)* Ir net iskart leido dainuoti-siandien jau koncertas Druskininkuose ;)
-Maždaug mėnuo po operacijos: Daktare!!!!!!!! as jau is milijono kelioniu grizau, bet ir nenustoju vazinet ir skraidyt :) Ryt isvaziuoju trim koncertam,pirmadieni gristu,skambinu ir apsireiskiu !!! Jus neisivaizduojat kokia as laiminga del savo akiu...Nerealu! :)"
Artur K., Insurance specialist
I had LASIK surgery on both eyes about 1 months ago. Able to see quite well almost immediately, I was gratified to note the vision improving all that evening. The following day I could see so well I was staggered. Although very slightly over-corrected, I have 1.25 vision in both eyes. I did notice night-time effects early on (some lights appeared to have a glow around them). These effects have reduced over time and I hardly notice them now. Initially dry eyes cleared up as normal after a few weeks with eye drops and now none are required. None of my initial fears have come to pass, for some reason I expected less 'clarity' of vision but this is so not the case that I am constantly smiling when I realise that I can see perfectly but don't have lenses in. The only danger being that I occasionally attempt to put my finger in my eye to move the non-existent contact lens when I have an itchy eye (which I still get due to pollens etc.). Finally, I would like to thank the extremely professional staff. I never felt like a patient, always a guest!
Mārtiņš H., Estate agent
-This is the best thing I've ever done and my eyes look better because they are no longer red from wearing contact lenses. I'm a much happier person because when I wake up in the morning I can see.
Address S. Žukausko 41, Vilnius LT-09130. Tel. +370 5 2120290 . Mobile: +370 656 52755. E-mail