Laserview eye clinic – regain good sight
Dear visitors,
Thank you for your interest about our clinic. We working from 2006 and now without laser vision correction surgery, eye disease diagnostics and treatment, we can offer plastic eyelid surgery, botulinum injections. Our motto - to be fair to the patient and themselves. We do not promise miracles, but we are doing everything that they could be.
Almantas Makselis ophthalmologist,

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Mūsų kontaktai
Akių klinika “LASERVIEW”
Address S. Žukausko 41, Vilnius LT-09130. Tel. +370 5 2120290 . Mobile: +370 656 52755. E-mail
Address S. Žukausko 41, Vilnius LT-09130. Tel. +370 5 2120290 . Mobile: +370 656 52755. E-mail