Am I eligible candidate for LASIK?
The purpose of the Initial Screening is to determine whether or not you are an eligible candidate for surgery. Prior to this screening, there are certain eligibility requirements that are important for you to know
Suitable for Treatment:
Age 18 or over
Stable prescription (i.e. less than 05.D change over the preceding year)
Healthy eyes
Good general health
People with reasonable expectations
Certain conditions may make you a questionable candidate for the procedure or cause additional risks or complications. These conditions may interfere with the healing process and require additional care. If you have or may have any of the following conditions, we suggest that you discuss them thoroughly with our optometrist and surgeon. These conditions include, but are not limited to:
Pregnancy / breast feeding
Significant keratoconus, cataract or glaucoma, herpes eye infection (these should be discussed further with the surgeon)
Patients on certain prescription drugs, such as oral steroids
Patients with medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus. These should be discussed with the surgeon.
We can do this because we are more than confident that once you have learned about our safety protocols, technology, experience, expertise and results, you will choose us to help you achieve your goals for better vision
Purpose of the Initial Screening
The purpose of the initial screening is to determine if you are an eligible candidate for surgery and to ensure that we can correct your vision to best meet your expectations and needs. The Screening will typically take 1 hour twice
What will happen?
At the initial screening, you will learn about the best option for correcting your vision. Most of the information we collect will be useful to us should you choose to pursue treatment. You will have (1) your testing, (2) a discussion with the ophthalmic surgeon, and (3) have all your questions answered.
To give you an indication of the thoroughness of our approach, we will:
Measure your current glasses Rx (lensometry)
Measure the size of your pupils in the dark
Measure the curvature of the front of your cornea in 3-D (corneal topography)
Measure the thickness of your cornea (pachymetry)
Check your true glasses prescription (refraction)
Perform a detailed microscopic eye exam to screen for relevant eye conditions
During the discussion, our Doctors will:
Discuss your best option(s) to achieve your goals and expectations
Ask you if you have any questions about the information package and answer or discuss these
Ensure that you understand certain pre-treatment instructions (for example: no makeup, no perfume or cologne,and no alcohol)
Answer all of your questions to your satisfaction
If you are deemed suitable, you will then be asked to schedule your treatment and ophthalmic exam and consultation according to the guidelines proposed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. We are confident that our Clinic's Doctor's ophthalmic examination and consultation is probably the most complete eye exam you will ever undergo. In fact, we go to greater lengths than any other clinic in the country to determine your suitability with certainty, prior to going forward with surgery.
Address S. Žukausko 41, Vilnius LT-09130. Tel. +370 5 2120290 . Mobile: +370 656 52755. E-mail